BEG Bremerhaven App

by netactive GmbH



This free app enables you to access the services of the online collection calendar from BEG Logistics GmbH using your smartphone. Simply enter your address to never miss another waste collection day. The app features the following functions:DATES- Address selection- List view/calendar view with postponements due to holidays clearly indicated- Shows collection dates for general waste, waste paper, recyclable materials, Christmas trees and toxic substances- Synchronisation with the calendar- RemindersCONTAINER LOCATIONS/BAG DISPENSATION- Clear listing of the nearest container locations for glass and used clothing as well as where ‘Gelber Sack’ recycling bags and dog waste bags can be obtained- Distance indication- Map view of all nearby containers/bag dispensation points- Map view for information such as addresses and number of containers- Route calculation to the selected container/bag dispensation point- GPS location servicesTHE ABCs OF WASTE- List of various types of waste- Detailed view with information on disposal as well as additional tips and commentsCONTACT VIA APP- Order bulk waste collection directly from the app- General informationAVAILABLE IN MANY LANGUAGES - German - English - Portuguese - Polish - Russian - Turkish